Streaming platform.
WISEE® provides technical possibility of creating web television society based on sharing individual experiences and emotions through constant audio-visual high definition stream. Platform lets the user see the world from another’s user perspective, direct voice communication and influence his steps and behaviours.
GDPR compliant product.

Platforma analizy danych finansowych.
Interactive platform for financial data analysis, enabling secure system communication between entities servicing SMEs and institutions such as banks or insurance companies. The use of state-of-the-art technologies ensures full security, maximum speed of operation and compatibility with all accounting systems available on the market. The tool allows you to build one dashboard of accounting services and sales of other financial products.

Narzędzie do remarketingu samochodów używanych.
Platform enabling the presentation of a complete offer of contract vehicles based on technical data, detailed information about the vehicle and the price. The portal has the ability to filter and save selected offers in the user’s panel. An additional feature is the advanced process of addressing questions regarding the offer.

Digital evaluation tool.
Digital Evaluation App provides the user promptly witch customer satisfaction level. Taking it into consideration gives the rapid overview about the level of employees engagement, processes and many other aspects of daily business. Locating the virtual survey near the showroom entrance gives every customer possibility of leaving day-to-day feedback.

Active service admission process.
The application supporting vehicle takover process for service. This tool makes the process more efficient and easy to supervise and allows you to receive vehicles that are currently in the service base or adding new ones directly on the mobile device. It is also possible to add any number of photos of the vehicle.
GDPR compliant product.
Digital lead collector.
Lead Collector is the innovative mobile-app based method of collecting customer data during the events or external exhibitions. Data collected by the user (eg. hostess, salesman) are automatically encrypted and transferred to the dedicated server. After leaving the personal data customer is provided with the legal note with the e-mail. The application can be integrated with dealer’s DMS.
GDPR compliant product.
Digital price stand.
Digital Price Stand is the advanced and not common interactive method of displaying the desired product data. Scope of information can be easily adjusted by the administrator starting with basic technical data, through financial information, multimedia content, accessories ending with bundled offers. Basic lead collecting tool lets the customer leave his e-mail address.
Digital test drive tool.
Digital Test Drive is the innovative tablet based processes covering all of activities related to test drive. Beginning with driving licence scan, through contract signage, vehicle photo documentation and ending with test drive evaluation. All of the necessary actions are covered by one device. Tracking function (device based) is also available as the reporting input (eg. total cost of test vehicle, sales conversion).
GDPR compliant product.
Digital handover tool.
Digital Handover makes the process more efficient and standarized. Not only the customer satisfaction level is more predictable but the salesman’s workload is significantly reduced. Tool always contains up-to-date data and single car specific information so it is much easier to distribute the handover to other employee. On top of that, Digital Handover generates up-sell possibilities (eg. dedicated accessories).
GDPR compliant product.